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I / We, {{Business Owners Full Name Above}} grant our irrevocable permission to release our confidential information to EasyBizFinance and/or its affiliated partners. I/We understand this information is being used for their credit and underwriting purposes only.
By signing this application, I/We certify the above information supplied is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. Privacy Act 1988: The Applicant and each Owner named above hereby irrevocably authorises Capital Empire Pty Ltd, its servants and agents to make such enquiries as they deem necessary to investigate their credit worthiness from time to time, including the making of enquiries with persons nominated as trade references, the bankers of the Applicant, any credit provider or Credit Reporting Agency and including personal credit and consumer credit information and LandData/property inquiries and name searches (hereinafter called “the sources”). The Applicant and each Owner hereby authorises the sources to disclose to Capital Empire Pty Ltd such information concerning the Applicant and each Owner which is within their possession. I/we further grant to any source from which Capital Empire Pty Ltd has requested information about applicant(s), the authorisation to release such information to Capital Empire Pty Ltd. The Applicant and each Owner agrees that the information provided in this application concerning the Applicant and each Owner and any relevant trading information arising from any dealings between Capital Empire Pty Ltd and the Applicant and each Owner may be disclosed to a Credit Reporting Agency or any other interested person, subject to Capital Empire Pty Ltd’s Privacy Policy which can be obtained upon request. You authorise Capital Empire Pty Ltd to complete any incomplete sections of this form verbally or via electronic communication with You.